Carpet salt and stain removal

How to clean the car interior from salt by your own

The car interior must be periodically cleaned from salt stains, that appears when sodium chloride gets into
the car cabin in winter. We are going to give some advices to our readers, that will help them to remove
the plaque and crumbs on mats, clean the floor of the car.
You will need a hard brush and a vacuum cleaner. It is necessary to pick up crumbs and rubbish, using
vacuum cleaner and brush. Then mix in half vinegar and warm water. Spray liquid on the mats and wait
no more than 5 minutes. Take a terry towel and as a sponge impregnate the rubber mats. The procedure
should be repeated.
There is also an alternative way. Just buy carpet cleaner at the store, carefully read the instruction manual
and don’t forget about brush.
If a car owner has a vacuum cleaner this process will be much easier.
For removable car mats, we have another great way. Mix liquid soap and warm water in ratio one to four.
This solution is applied to the rubber mat, using a brush or a rag. Then it is necessary to wash the rubber
with warm water. Use a vacuum cleaner.
Such cleaning of the cabin is desirable on a sunny day. After all the procedures it is necessary to open all
the doors of the car in order to dry the moisture residue. We strongly recommend to entrust this process to
Of course, the best way is to contact Cleaning Art. Our specialists will quickly and qualitatively rid you
of salt stains, meanwhile you will be able to devote yourself to more important things!

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