Exterior hand wash and hand drying

Hand car washing is a popular classic car care option. This technology involves not only the use of manual labor, but also the corresponding of specialized equipment, auto chemistry.

Main stages of hand wash:

– removal of all contaminants by the water jet supplied by the means of a high-pressure apparatus which allows to remove the main layer of dirt. The specialized equipment allows to adjust the head force. On this stage paint coating is washed so as not to damage it.

– applying of special chemicals and reactive foam detergent that allow softening and separation of contaminants without making harm to the paint coating. Modern auto chemistry allows to remove different contaminants without damaging rubber door seals and other car elements, headlights, mirrors. During 3-7 minutes the effect of the reagent on the contaminants occurs.

– on the third stage of water jet washing take place removal of residual contaminants and detergent

– on the fourth stage the car is thoroughly dried with blowing of locks, seals, door handles.

Apar from mentioned points hand wash can include a range of additional options that depend on wishes and needs of the client (for example, polishing the body surfaces, applying protective wax, etc.).

The advantages of hand wash include

-High speed. On average it takes no more than 30 minutes to wash the vehicle 

-Visual control. Each owner of the car can independently monitor the washing process, make any adjustments to the work of the specialist.

– Excellent quality of a work. Our specialists have gained a huge experience and are the best in …

If you contact us the work will be carried out by experienced specialists who always try to meet customers need and they always succeed in it.  A responsible fulfilment of each order is guaranteed for all customers.

Our detailing center has a whole range of professional washing equipment and use only top-quality professional auto chemistry. 

We provide the best service in the field of a car detailing, including hand wash and drying.

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